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Vibrant Worship & Wholesome Fellowship

Submitting to the work of the Holy Spirit in confession of sin, time spent reading the Word, and interceding for the spiritual status of lost people are all actions that indicate that we are growing in our faith.  All of these actions come
with the understanding that God is the authority in our lives.  We overcome the world by seeing  the beauty and excellence of Christ.
Celebrating Jesus


In Worship God's people engage in speaking to God about what is most important -- namely, God.  What God does and what He has said is the truth because it comes from Him.  The truth is found in the person of God. 


Worship is the activity by a believer or group of believers to celebrate God's goodness and work.  As a discipline, worship occurs when we prioritize God in our thinking and in our affections for a particular period of time.  In these moments we are encountering truth and being changed by it.


 We're to worship God privately.  We're to worship with the Church.  We're to get into the Word of God privately.  We're to get into the Word with the Church.



The truth of God is undefiled and unchangeable, and God has chosen to use His truth to bring transformation to His people.  By His truth we were saved and by His truth we are made holy and walk in freedom.  


 Transformation does not occur apart from the truth of God.   Our foundation is the gospel and is sufficient not only for justification but also for sanctification.  We are changed as we encounter the gospel again and again.  The Scripture challenges us to pursue God, to train ourselves for godliness.


As we realize the ramifications of the Word in our lives -- the reality that we have a new identity -- we are empowered by the truth of our new character to live worthy of our new calling. 

        Building Relationships​

Transfomation is likely to occur when a believer has truth applied to his or her life while in an interdependent posture.  An interdependent posture is vastly different from either a dependent or an independent posture.  Building relationships is a critical attribute in transformational discipleship.  It is natural to live out our faith in an environment of relationships.


 Jesus cares deeply that His followers live with an interdependent posture in community with other Christ followers.  In the hours leading up to His arrest, Jesus begged the Father to make His disciples one (John 17:20-23).  Jesus' prayer is a huge statement of His intention for those who claim to be His followers.  He desires for His people to be as unified as He and the Father.  The triune God is a community of three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  God who exists in community designed His followers to live in community for their maturity and to reflect His character.

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